How Does My Garden Grow? plus hügelkultur!
As I said in my last post, I doubled the cage's capacity: I added two raised beds that I had lying around and have planted Napa cabbage on one of them already. I covered the whole thing with newspapers (soy ink) and added wood chips on top in an effort to conserve moisture as I will be planting the Summer stuff on the dirt itself. I planted peas as well since the weather people are telling me we are to have an early Spring --and so far they are right!. In large pots I have sowed some strawberry seeds and purslane. I also have two blueberry bushes in pots. Speaking of berries, I was happily surprised to see that my poor lingonberry from last year survived the winter in it's cloth pot. I amended its soil with an acidifier and Hi-Tone fertilizer to give it a fighting chance. Behind the cage in the picture, you can see my old shed. This year that sucker is becoming my green house. Behind it sits the corner of my yard that will become the permanent strawberry patch. Righ...